Is Getting Your Car Repainted the Right Move?
Before you drive to the auto body shop for having your car repainted, ask yourself a few essential questions. Repainting is a job best handled by professionals. It can be both time-consuming and costly. Car Struction can help you determine if it’s the right choice for you.
Evaluate the Value of Your Car
First, assess whether your car is worth repainting. While you might have a strong attachment to your car, consider how repainting will impact its value. If the cost of repainting exceeds 25% of your car’s value, it may be wise to reconsider. We can help evaluate your car’s value and estimate the repainting cost. Classic cars and low-mileage used vehicles often benefit the most from a fresh coat. Additionally, if you plan to sell your car, a new paint job might boost your return on investment.
Choose the Right Color
Next, consider your color choice. Although selecting your favorite color can be exciting, it might not always be the best option. Staying with the car’s original color typically simplifies the process and reduces costs. If you opt for a new color, remember that you’ll need to repaint hidden areas such as the trunk interior and door jams. While a new color can bring personal satisfaction, it might not necessarily increase the car’s value.
Find a Quality Paint Shop
Finally, choose a reputable paint shop. Look for one that emphasizes thorough preparation. A high-quality paint job involves roughly 10 hours of prep work for every hour of painting. A professional shop will remove parts like bumpers, taillights, and mirrors to ensure a smooth finish. In contrast, less reputable shops might just tape over these areas. Quality shops use specialized booths equipped with fans, heat lamps, and multiple layers of paint.
At Car Struction, our skilled and experienced painters are ready to handle your paint job with precision. Contact us with any questions—we’re here to assist you!